
Ask me anything

Now Jill answers YOUR questions


Q Are a lot of strangers coming out of the woodwork now that you have money?

Caroline Adams, Whitwick

A I had only two ‘friend’ requests from people that I didn’t know after we won. Other than that, no, they aren’t. We didn’t even get any extra Christmas cards!

Q Did you lose any of your old friends because of your big win?

Emily Smith, Mansfield

A WE were nervous about telling people when we won the money. But they all say we haven’t changed one bit. We’re as grounded as ever.

Q Do you still play the Lottery now?

Kath Williams, Swindon

A actually, yes, I do! I still play the Lottery every week, using the app.

Q Do your children or grandchild­ren resent it that you don’t spend more money on them?

Beck Bradford, Hugglescot­e

A the children would be just as happy with a fiver. Steve and I brought up our children with the same cautious approach to saving, and they’ve passed that on to their kids.

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