
Your stars!

Fitzwalter Chat astrologer Bernard reads your week ahead


A week where anything seems possible. If what you’re planning needs money, getting a loan will be easy. If it needs legal permission, that’s simple too. If you just need some help, friends will happily step in.

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Long-term projects are taking ages, so you decide to skip a few stages to save time. You’ll fill in those missing details later, you think – but actually, they’re an essential part of what you’re trying to do.

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Are you adding a few details to the story you’re telling, just to make a good impression on someone? You don’t mean any harm – it’s just a bit of banter – but can you prove what you’ve said is true?

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Taking the initiative at work will get you noticed, and maybe a permanent position. But is that what you want? Not exactly – you’re trying to get the job finished so you can do something else!

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In theory, it’s a great combo. One of you has the talent, the other has the money. The problem is that cash can be counted, but talent is hard to put a price on. Be careful if you’re making a formal deal.

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A month ago, you had a long list of things to do, and not enough time to do them in. Now you’ve caught up, and you’ve even got some time to spare. Not for long, of course, but it’s nice while it lasts.

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Libra 24 Sep - 23 Oct

A few days ago you were all enthusiasm. Now, you’re not so sure. Don’t worry, it’s the cooling-off phase, where you start to see the drawbacks as well as the benefits before making your final choice.

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Scorpio 24 Oct - 22 Nov

You’ve been working very hard, so when you get a chance to treat yourself, you should take it. Nothing too extravagan­t, but enough to make you feel that life’s not all work and no play.

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Sagittariu­s 23 Nov - 21 Dec

What happens when two people get together, where each fancies the other, but neither wants to be first to give in? A pillow fight. So expect feathers to fly this week, then – but all in fun.

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Capricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan

You get a peek at how things are going to be. It might be a document at work you’re not supposed to see, or overhearin­g a conversati­on. You can’t let on you know – but forewarned is forearmed.

Aquarius 21 Jan - 19 Feb

You were right first time – it’s just that nobody else could follow your way of thinking, and you allowed yourself to be talked out of it. Now you see that you should have trusted your instincts.

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Pisces 20 Feb - 20 March

Relationsh­ips where you row a lot are lively, and sometimes the attraction of opposites does work. But not always. To carry on as you are will probably damage your future – so make it part of your past.

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