
A very th thrilled ill d £2,204 winner! I have my dream kitchen!

Jenny Berrow, 53, Birmingham


It was a wet morning last April when I settled down to relax and logged on to Chat Mag Bingo.

I’d played bingo since 2010. For a while, I’d gone to a bingo hall, loved the social aspect of it. Going out, saying hello to familiar faces.

My friends and I had been sad when the hall closed, so I was thrilled to discover I could play online. There was also camaraderi­e in the chat rooms.

That day, I bought 120 tickets at 1p each for Tiki Bingo from £10 I had in my bingo account.

Before I knew it, the ball calls started. Soon my screen was flashing. I won one line, then two, and then… Jackpot! ‘I’ve just won £2,204!’ I cried. Not just the Full House, but the progressiv­e jackpot!

‘Have you really?’ my partner Pete, 50, gasped in shock.

I already knew what I’d be spending it on. Our kitchen was in need of a revamp.

Next day, I bought new pots, pans, crockery and paint.

Back home, gone was the outdated kitchen – in came a sleek, modern look.

When it was s all done, I also decided to replace e our old tumble dryer.

To make the most of our celebratio­ns, I took Pete and the family for a carvery. We left with grins as big as our bellies!

A few years earlier, I’d been thrilled with a £700 win, but my latest scoop was a lovely surprise.

You hear about others winning the jackpot, but never dream it’ll happen to you.

But, this time, it actually did!

I’ll stay in touch with my friends in the bingo chat rooms

And I’ll now be playing games in my made-over kitchen. What a real treat!

 ??  ?? This was a lovely surprise!
This was a lovely surprise!

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