
Ask our doc

Don’t be shy – Chat’s Dr Martin Edwards is a family GP who’s seen it all before…


Bowel-cancer test

QI’ve had a letter offering a routine bowel scope test. Why? Fran, Maidstone

AIn most areas of the country, you’ll be offered this test as a one-off when you’re 55.

A thin, flexible telescope is passed through your anus into your lower bowel to check for polyps – fleshy growths that might turn cancerous.

It’s not compulsory, but should help to reduce bowelcance­r rates.

Home whitening

QI’ve read baking soda or vinegar can whiten teeth. Which works best? Deb, Pembroke

ADIY whitening can damage enamel. Whitening kits are safer, but don’t always work and can leak onto gums.

Reduce staining by regular cleaning, especially after red wine, coffee, tea or smoking, and ask your dentist about profession­al bleaching.

Disgusting nail

QMy big toenail’s grown so thick, I can’t even cut it – what’s wrong with it? Mavis, Scone

AThis sounds like onychogryp­hosis. Often, it results from damage, either from a single blow or a series of minor injuries over years, such as badly-fitting shoes.

A chiropodis­t can file the nail down, but a permanent cure may mean a small op to remove it.

The eyes have it

QI’ve caught conjunctiv­itis from my niece and my eye’s red and sore. What can I do? Belle, Bury St Edmunds

AYour conjunctiv­a, the membrane covering the front of your eye, is infected with bacteria or a virus.

Antibiotic drops don’t usually help, so your best bet is regular eye bathing with boiled water on cotton wool.

Prevent spread by regularly washing your hands, and don’t share flannels or towels.

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