
Ask our doc

Don’t be shy – Chat’s Dr Martin Edwards is a family GP who’s seen it all before…


Morning mucus

Q I wake up with my throat and mouth full of mucus. It’s horrible! Iris, Inverness

A Excess mucus can mean chronic sinusitis or an allergy, and a steroid nose spray might help. It’s worse in the morning because of build-up overnight, and a dry mouth while you’re asleep.

Don’t smoke, keep water by your bed and humidify the air.

Legs are spotty

Q I’ve hardly shown my legs all summer as they’re covered in red spots. What are they? Emily, Dorking

A Sounds like folliculit­is, a bacterial infection in the hair follicles. Don’t shave, as this allows bacteria to enter through tiny nicks in your skin – waxing or epilation is better.

Use antibacter­ial wash on your legs – and, if necessary, your GP might prescribe antibiotic pills or cream.

Too hot to handle

Q I love spicy food, but it always gives me hiccups! What can I do? Nathalie, Doncaster

A Hiccups are spasms of the diaphragm. Eating, especially spicy food, can be a trigger. Let food cool, eat slowly, drink plenty (not alcohol) and don’t smoke.

See your GP if hiccups last over 48 hours.

Stop painkiller­s?

Q I take painkiller­s daily for headaches, but my GP says I should stop! How will I manage? Tali, Nantwich A You may have medication­overuse headache, where regular use worsens symptoms.

Relaxation techniques and switching to other drugs such as antidepres­sants or anti-epileptics, which affect the nerves and parts of the brain that sense pain, can help.

 ??  ?? Dr Martin Edwards
Dr Martin Edwards

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