
Your stars

Chat astrologer Bernard Fitzwalter reads your week ahead



21 March-20 April

After weeks of feeling that your hands were tied, the situation reverses and you have all the advantages. This is good, obviously, but don’t let it run away with you.

Call 0905 817 0690* for more


21 April-21 May

You’re nearly where you want to be. A last-minute slip this week won’t be the disaster it first appears, and there’ll be more damage to your pride than anything else.

Call 0905 817 0691* for more


22 May-21 June

You’re being smart, involved in three things at once, but moving quickly from one to the next so you don’t get drawn in. Hold off making a final decision on all three.

Call 0905 817 0692* for more


22 June-23 July

You’d hoped a problem in your personal life might resolve itself if you gave it enough time. But it looks like you’re going to have to make the first move yourself.

Call 0905 817 0693* for more


24 July-23 Aug

You may be sitting there with a big pile of winnings, but one more spin of the wheel will take it all away again. On this occasion, you should quit while you’re ahead.

Call 0905 817 0694* for more


24 Aug-23 Sep

It’s infuriatin­g to have to go all the way back to the start just to check that some minor task was actually done. It was, of course – you’re not the sort to make mistakes like that.

Call 0905 817 0695* for more


24 Sep-23 Oct

You have two choices, and you don’t like either – so you should reject both. Wouldn’t that leave you with nothing? No, it would leave you free to take up something better.

Call 0905 817 0696* for more


24 Oct-22 Nov

You’ve thought it through, and you’re going to do it. But someone says you shouldn’t. Are they winding you up? No, they’re stubborn, like you. You make a good pair!

Call 0905 817 0697* for more


23 Nov-21 Dec

You’re rushing things. Maybe you should take a little time to appreciate what you’ve got. You might decide you want to stay where you are until the end of the year.

Call 0905 817 0698* for more


22 Dec-20 Jan

Nothing better than finding some money in the pocket of an old jacket, is there? This week has something similar – a small treat from the past to lift your flagging spirits.

Call 0905 817 0699* for more


21 Jan-19 Feb

Meeting up with an old friend will show that you’ve gone in different directions, and you’re not as close as before. But the pluses still outweigh the minuses.

Call 0905 817 0700* for more


20 Feb-20 March Remember the first time you rode a bike? It all seemed to be happening too fast. That’s how you feel now – and it’s because everything is going well, not going wrong. Relax!

Call 0905 817 0701* for more

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