
People point and stare



I have a birthmark across one side of my face. I was born with this and it just makes me feel abnormal. I hate going out, I just go to work and home.

I’ve no money for cosmetic surgery, which could be the answer, and make-up doesn’t make much difference.

I have one close friend, who tells me I’m lovely inside and to take no notice when people point and stare.

Is there anything you could suggest to help me?

Katie, 41


Your friend is right, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It can be hard to accept ourselves, but I want you to start looking at yourself in a different way. Look past your birthmark to the real you, petal.

Start talking to yourself how you would talk to your friends. The conversati­on you have in the mirror is the most important you’ll ever have.

As for other folk, if they point, they’re the ones with the problem, not you!

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