


What connects British actor Colin Morgan and historian Mary Beard? To find out, solve the crossword then read down the shaded squares to find the six-word prize answer.


1 Theme (5)

4 Not fast (4)

6 Animal (8)

13 Military officer (7) 14 Move forward (7) 15 Bronze medal position (5) 16 Short letter (4)

17 Local inhabitant (6) 18 Emblems (6)

20 Fasten securely (4) 21 ‘Dressed up to the _’ (5) 22 Blood vessel (6) 25 Common pet (8) 28 Building material (6) 30 Recording of a film or TV show (5) 32 Protection from rain (8) 34 English river (6)

35 Plan or scheme (4) 38 Motor (6)

39 Garden pest with a shell (5) 40 Large mounted gun (6) 43 Idle (4)

44 Edible fish (6)

45 Leech (8)

48 Sweet sticky substance (5) 49 Fairly new (6) 51 Encroachme­nt or intrusion (8) 54 Viewpoint (6) 55 Retrieve (5)

56 Paying passenger (4) 58 Esteem (6) 60 Protective metal suit (6) 61 Liquid measure (4) 65 Artist’s material (5) 66 Oblivious (7) 67 Whirlwind (7) 68 Navigating (8) 69 Jealousy (4) 70 Children’s toys (2-3)


1 Practical science (10) 2 Relating to government (9) 3 Walking stick (4) 4 Exchange for money (4) 5 Adversary (8)

7 Paul _, Ant-Man star (4) 8 Appealing (10) 9 Utilising (5)

10 Most senior (6)

11 Carry on (8)

12 Waits on (6) 19 Decorative design (7) 23 Nickname for Mars (3,6) 24 Regular practice (7) 26 Sacking (6)

27 By oneself, alone (4) 29 Letter cover (8)

31 Type of vinegar (8) 33 Regular publicatio­ns (9) 34 Zombie film,

_ of the Dead (5)

36 Very rich (7) 37 Feeling of sickness (6) 41 Orange vegetables (7) 42 Small brown songbird (4) 46 Machine for writing (10) 47 Creations (10)

50 The Grand _, horse race (8) 52 Make-believe (9) 53 Baker’s dozen (8)

55 Prim or stiff (6) 57 Mathematic­al diagrams (6) 59 Fly without power (5)

62 Be on fire (4) 63 Remain (4)

64 Military force (4)

 ?? ??

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