

Chat astrologer Sally Morgan reads your week ahead



21 March-20 April

An article you read will inspire you to make some home renovation­s. You’re extremely busy with work, so enlist help from willing family and friends.

Call 0905 817 0690* for more


21 April-21 May

A day out with a friend will reveal a secret that only you know about. Chatting about the old times will make you laugh a lot, so plan another outing.

Call 0905 817 0691* for more


22 May-21 June

If you’ve embarked on a new partnershi­p, you might find you end up doing most of the work while they take credit. You’ll consider doing something on your own.

Call 0905 817 0692* for more


22 June-23 July

Do something out of your comfort zone as Mercury comes under Gemini’s rule. Each day brings a new challenge, which will make you stronger.

Call 0905 817 0693* for more


24 July-23 Aug

As the full moon enters Taurus good ideas will come to different people at the same time, but you’ll realise other people’s ideas aren’t similar to yours at all.

Call 0905 817 0694* for more


24 Aug-23 Sep

You may get a passionate message from someone from the past. They don’t realise you’ve made a commitment, so it could feel awkward – but set the past free.

Call 0905 817 0695* for more


24 Sep-23 Oct

It’s time to relax, enjoy life, put your feet up, and prepare to be pampered and catch up with friends. Your partner has a big surprise in store for you.

Call 0905 817 0696* for more


24 Oct-22 Nov

Speak to others about your workload and ask for help so that you can manage things more easily. Joining a gym or fitness class will help you to feel fitter.

Call 0905 817 0697* for more


23 Nov-21 Dec

Listen to the older generation, who have so much wisdom to impart. Their past experience­s are amazing; if you make notes there could be a book in it.

Call 0905 817 0698* for more


22 Dec-20 Jan

Treating people where you can and spending free time with others gives you a warm feeling. Meals and trips out with friends distract you from everyday chores.

Call 0905 817 0699* for more


21 Jan-19 Feb

Pluto is at a standstill and you’ve been working really hard lately, but not sleeping at all well. Sit outside relaxing, and enjoy some time with friends and family.

Call 0905 817 0700* for more


20 Feb-20 March

You’re highly intuitive, but also very deep. It’s time to find a partner on the same wavelength. Look for a new hobby where you’ll meet the right sort of people.

Call 0905 817 0701* for more

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