
I’m spotty ‘down below’!


Q I keep coming out in red spots and zits around my vagina. What could be wrong? Miranda, Oxford

A Could be folliculit­is, an infection of the hair-growing pores, or follicles, in your skin. You might notice crops of red spots, pus-filled blisters and sore, tender or itchy skin on your vulva, the area around your vagina.

The main cause is shaving, which leaves tiny nicks in your skin and allows bacteria to enter, which is why folliculit­is is common on your legs. Tight clothes that trap sweat and chafe your skin can also be to blame, or occasional­ly bugs from sharing a jacuzzi or hot tub.

Try to avoid shaving, or at least be careful when you do. Don’t wear tight clothes, and avoid cleansers or cosmetics unless they’re recommende­d by your GP, who might also prescribe antibiotic­s if you have a flare-up.

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