


Chat astrologer Sally Trotman reads your week ahead

Aries 21 March-20 April

Mercury and Mars are now both in your sign, helping you to communicat­e more assertivel­y. So, is there something you need to ask for? Now is the time!

● Call 0905 817 0690* for more

Taurus 21 April-21 May

The Sun is in Taurus, giving you the courage to follow your heart and pursue your boldest dreams. What do you need to change to move in a new direction?

● Call 0905 817 0691* for more

Gemini 22 May-21 June

Go forward fearlessly this week! Whichever direction you feel drawn to, follow it. Whatever makes practical sense is the right path for you to place your energy in.

● Call 0905 817 0692* for more

Cancer 22 June-23 July

Your strong intuition never fails you, and it’s important that you listen to your inner guidance. Don’t analyse too much – just trust in the flow and know it’ll take you far.

● Call 0905 817 0693* for more

Leo 24 July-23 Aug

It’s time to step back from a conflict within your inner circle. While you might want to leap in and help out, the situation is best left to others to deal with.

● Call 0905 817 0694* for more

Virgo 24 Aug-23 Sep

Have you noticed the little miracles, like the beauty of the setting sun or birdsong at dawn? Now is the ideal moment to give thanks for the blessings in your world.

● Call 0905 817 0695* for more

Libra 24 Sep-23 Oct

Ask the angels to reveal who you can trust, so you can surround yourself with people who have your best interests at heart. Receive as much as you give.

● Call 0905 817 0696* for more

Scorpio 24 Oct-22 Nov

If you have been feeling more emotional than usual, it’s not surprising with the Sun now in your opposite sign. Find peace by starting to balance inner conflict.

● Call 0905 817 0697* for more

Sagittariu­s 23 Nov-21 Dec

Now would be a great time to express your creativity. Perhaps there is something you love to do, but haven’t had time for recently. Make time to use your talents!

● Call 0905 817 0698* for more

Capricorn 22 Dec-20 Jan

As an earth sign, you have a strong love of nature, so why not spend more time with animals or surrounded by the beauty of the great outdoors?

● Call 0905 817 0699* for more

Aquarius 21 Jan-19 Feb

You are sensitive and have picked up some heavy energy recently. So, soak in a salt bath or walk in nature to revive yourself and to clear your energy field.

● Call 0905 817 0700* for more

Pisces 20 Feb-20 March

This is a time of change and transition for you. Trust the direction you are being shown, and step out of your comfort zone. It will be worth the effort.

● Call 0905 817 0701* for more

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