Chichester Observer

Profession­al willmaking advice is the best way to ensure your beneficiar­ies follow your wishes

- Ian Oliver, partner, Dispute Resolution

Anecdotal evidence continues to point to a steady growth in the number of wills being challenged, although no clear evidence is emerging to explain this increase. Influentia­l factors could include the increasing­ly complex nature of modern family structures, the economic climate and, perhaps, an increasing reliance by some on the internet for legal advice. Unsurprisi­ngly, any solicitor would suggest that a matter as important as ensuring all your worldly goods are distribute­d according to your wishes should be done by someone who knows what they are doing.

It is all too easy to cut corners or attempt to draw up your own will but, if you choose a do-it-yourself approach, it is worth thinking about what might happen in future if things go wrong.

Imagine the scene: you instructed a solicitor to prepare a will some years ago. Now, as you approach the later stages of your life, you decide you want to amend that will and you decide to ask a friend or family member to prepare a codicil – a document that changes your will – and then you simply sign it.

But a codicil, like the will itself, must be properly signed in the presence of witnesses, otherwise it will not be valid in the eyes of the law – and if a homemade codicil is unclear, a disappoint­ed beneficiar­y could be in a position to challenge it.

Perhaps they will allege you were subjected to undue influence or, in your hospital bed, did not realise what you were signing. They may even suggest that you no longer had mental capacity to make such decisions.

Whether or not any of these assertions are true, a do-it-yourself approach opens the door to the possibilit­y of a claim that, if nothing else, is likely to lead to delay and expense.

On the other hand, all of this could be avoided if you engage a competent solicitor to help you amend your will. A solicitor can ensure any codicil is clear and unambiguou­s, that it accurately reflects your wishes rather than someone else’s and, if there are any doubts about your capacity, can ensure this possibilit­y is thoroughly examined – and the cost of their fee is likely to be a small price to pay in order to avoid the chaos that often follows a do-it-yourself codicil.

For more informatio­n and expert advice on wills, codicils, probate and estate administra­tion, contact the George Ide team on 01243 786668 or email us at

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