Chichester Observer

Parking scheme is madcap ideas


Reading articles in the Chichester Observer I’m struck by the complete indifferen­ce of our West Sussex councillor­s to those most in need.

I read that the Crisis scheme which provides emergency funding to the poorest has been cut by 80 per cent since it became the responsibi­lity of county councils in 2013. I read that the Maidenbowe­r Centre in Crawley, purpose built for the disabled, is about to close because of spending cuts.

Yet, at the same time I see that funds exist to pay for parking consultati­ons in Chichester, with all the expense of exhibition­s, leaflets and staff time.

This parking scheme, which is being imposed top down, and not at the request of the local residents, except in a few city centre streets, must be costing hundreds of thousands of pounds.

For what? Surely those in affected streets could apply for a residents’ parking scheme.

My opinion of our county councillor­s sinks ever lower as I see the callous indifferen­ce with which they make decisions affecting the most vulnerable, while using our city as a guinea pig to trial some misguided parking scheme, under the guise of ‘Helping to improve Chichester’s parking’.

Park and ride schemes which residents often request, are dismissed out of hand, and never consulted upon. These madcap ideas, however, presumably originatin­g from expensive outside consultant­s, are given full consultati­on. STEPHANIE CARN Whyke Road, Chichester

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