Chichester Observer

We must get out before this


Our MP must be very pleased that our PM has asked the Queen to prorogue Parliament to make way for the Queen’s Speech setting out the Government’s programme for UK legislatio­n, while a team of Brexit minded Ministers get on with trying to get a fair deal with the EU.

If all MPS took this view, we would be more likely to get a fair deal after Brexit than if they continue their silly no ‘no-deal’ campaign.

We need to make it clear to the EU that we would like to carry on trading with them but only of our own free will, not as an underling of the EU.

We must not forget that the EU is aiming to become the ‘United States of Europe’ (or some such title) in the next few years, thus fulfilling the prediction of a certain German Chancellor shortly after the last war that, although they had lost the war(s), they could win the peace; they have worked towards this end ever since.

We must be out before this happens. So let us get out now as we demanded in the Referendum three years ago.

With our trusted Commonweal­th and US trading partners (we have a £50 billion trading balance with the US even now, despite the EU, compared with a £40 billion trading loss with the EU) we can move up from the 5th largest trading nation in the world to nearer the largest trading nation as we were before the last war. The EU, without us, will move down to around our present position and will be trying to trade with us (on democratic terms, I hope).


Elm Park, Bosham

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