Chichester Observer

Parliament must honour the people’s decision

- Nick Herbert MP for Arundel & South Downs

My position on Brexit remains the same: while I campaigned in the referendum to remain, I accepted the public’s decision. I made it clear in my election address in 2017 that I believed the result had to be respected, and I voted to trigger Article 50 to begin the process of leaving.

I have always said I would far prefer to leave with a deal, and I voted three times for the Withdrawal Agreement. However, despite my concerns about ‘no deal’, I have also said that it must be kept on the table. I believe it will be harder to persuade the EU to address the issue of the backstop, and therefore enable a revised deal to be struck, if they believe we will delay Brexit once again. This is a shame because I believe Boris Johnson is serious about wanting a deal, and that there is a chance of securing one.

I strongly opposed the idea of proroguing Parliament right up until October 31, but in announcing a

Queen’s Speech this is not what the Prime Minister has done. The House

of Commons was due to rise for three weeks for the ‘Conference Recess’ this month anyway, as in previous years, so the real effect will be to lose only around five sitting days.

I do not believe this is a constituti­onal outrage, and it did not prevent the

House of Commons’ vote this week.

The Speaker’s willingnes­s to bend constituti­onal convention in order to take control from the Government is actually a greater concern.

It has been over three years since the referendum decision, and we cannot keep delaying our exit, prolonging damaging uncertaint­y. We must therefore be ready to leave without a deal on October 31 if necessary, but I still hope the Prime Minister will be able to reach a new agreement with the EU.

For me this has nothing to do with party concerns. The national interest must come first, and that means adhering to fundamenta­l democratic principles. The people voted to leave, narrowly but decisively, and I believe Parliament has a duty to honour their decision.

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