Chichester Observer

It is becoming a failed state


Our letter to Gillian Keegan MP:

We have understood your position thus far. You supported Rory Stuart but now we have Johnson. We are in deep trouble.

You know we spend much time in Greece.

We have secured residents permits to prevent our being forced out of Greece when freedom of movement stops (otherwise we get limited to 90 days).

We are on the verge of quitting the UK for good.

It is toxic, it is becoming a failed state if we continue on the current path.

There is no likelihood of any withdrawal agreement becoming acceptable.

It is also time for you to acknowledg­e the findings of the electoral commission and all the water that has passed under the bridge in the past three years.

I am full of admiration for the likes of Sarah Wollaston and fail to see why your reasoning for demanding a people’s vote or cancelling Article 50 should be any different from hers.

In a near 50/50 split in Chichester in 2016 the leave side has had more than enough support to achieve Brexit but failed.

They failed because brexiters wanted many different things. Do not be part of the Tory party coup.

The pro-eu 50 per cent deserve your support.

Now is the time to join the group of Tory MPS who now will fight for a people’s vote or to stop Brexit. It has been a disaster and will only get worse.

The millions of us who feel totally unrepresen­ted in the past three years, the millions of EU UK residents who have made their lives here and cannot get their settled status confirmed, we all deserve better.

You are not bound to deliver Brexit whatever the cost and however far circumstan­ces have changed.

This is shocking, the national interest demands at the very least a chance to reflect on all that has happened and to ask the people again, do you want to leave the EU in line with the Government’s current policy or to stay as members on current terms?

There is no room for abstension, the choice is clear, do you support the Government’s position or with time to reflect will you now support those of us opposed to Brexit, but willing to accept the outcome of a properly conducted fair referendum.

If circumstan­ces make a referendum impossible then Article 50 must be cancelled.


Davys Court Funtington

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