Chichester Observer

Helping to get back to normal

- Eileen Lintill Leader of Chichester District Council

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen temperatur­es soar and lockdown restrictio­ns eased. This has provided people with a welcome opportunit­y to go out and about and is a positive sign for our businesses – many of whom have reopened or are about to. This return to some sort of normality is welcomed by all of us, but it is vital people continue to observe social distancing; clear up their litter; park safely; and be respectful to others. We want to let you know what we are doing as an authority; what you can do to help; and what is outside of our control.

We have seen an increase in the amount of litter being generated, especially on our beaches and in our car parks. We want to assure you our teams are working flat out to keep on top of this, but we ask if you find a bin is full, or you can’t find somewhere to place your rubbish, please take it home with you. Even though we are regularly clearing up and emptying bins, the sheer volume of people using our car parks and beaches has meant we have seen an increase in littering. Our litter enforcemen­t officers will be patrolling busy areas and fining anyone who is caught littering, and we will be increasing our messaging from our Against Litter campaign, to remind people they have a role to play in making sure our district is kept beautiful. If you are spending the day out, you may be interested to know all of our public convenienc­es remain open and are cleaned regularly. We have boosted parking patrols, especially in our coastal area, and will continue to do this. We’ve also met the West Wittering Estate who own and run West Wittering beach and car park to discuss residents’ concerns. They are gradually increasing parking capacity, and are advising anyone who has not booked they should not visit. We have been issuing penalty charge notices to anyone who parks illegally and we are looking at other measures that could be taken. We are also working closely with West Sussex County Council, which is responsibl­e for the roads, and the police, who have the powers to deal with anti-social behaviour, to discuss what further action could be taken, especially when we are expecting hot weather.

As we all know, it is vital we all observe social-distancing rules, as part of our fight against coronaviru­s. While our civil enforcemen­t officers, foreshore officers and community wardens have all been closely monitoring this and offering advice, they do not have any powers to enforce social-distancing measures. It’s also important to note we do not have control over privately run areas, such as West Wittering beach. We’ve produced signage which has been displayed across the district, reminding people they must stay safe and leave a space; and we’re currently working on another project which will further expand on this. We’ve also made a video with our businesses welcoming shoppers back to our high streets at­al

Our health protection team and economic developmen­t teams have also been offering advice to businesses reopening and we have provided free downloadab­le signage.

This weekend also sees the reopening of many pubs and restaurant­s. We have written to all of them offering advice and guidance, especially as the Government has eased restrictio­ns around licensing and planning, to help them get back on their feet. What we would ask is that you plan ahead because many pubs and restaurant­s will be working to a strict ‘bookings only’ policy to limit numbers; please make sure you follow social-distancing guidance and avoid large gatherings.

Our play parks will also be open again by the weekend. Please make sure you refer to the guidelines at each site, to make sure you and your children stay safe.

We’ve also been working very closely with West Sussex County Council and our other partners on a Covid-19 Local Outbreak Plan. The plan works hand in hand with the test and trace system, providing a strategy on how we will reduce the spread of the virus if infections start to increase locally. If we see a spike in cases, the plan will ensure a speedy response to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading. This could range from making sure infected individual­s selfisolat­e; to locking down a specific setting; or even introducin­g a wider local lockdown where we will all need to follow this agreed plan. Let’s hope it does not come to this, but it is vital we plan for every eventualit­y.

I think we all agree the past few months have been incredibly tough and we all desperatel­y want to get back to normal. However, we all have a role to play to help us achieve this. What you can be assured of is we as a council are doing everything we can to support our communitie­s and businesses. Find out more at­s or by visiting our social media sites.

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