Chichester Observer

City centre sites such as cathedral and council buildings ‘not suitable’ as hubs


Chichester Cathedral has not been considered as a Covid-19 vaccinatio­n hub, a spokesman has confirmed.

Several Observer readers have written in to enquire why jabs could not be carried out at the cathedral, following the news that several others around the country – including Salisbury, Lichfield and Blackburn Cathedral – were being used for this purpose.

A cathedral spokesman said they had been in touch with the NHS directly but were told there were ‘a number of reasons’ why it could not be considered.

“All hubs would need adequate handwashin­g and toilet facilities, parking, be easily cleanable and have the capacity and ability to store fragile vaccines,” the spokesman said.

“It would need to be closed to all other activities (which is likely to last several months).”

Chichester Festival Theatre said it has ‘informally approached’ Chichester District Council about the possibilit­y of becoming a vaccinatio­n centre.

Kathy Bourne, executive director, said: “We are always keen to support our community in any practical way and would be happy to offer our facilities as a vaccinatio­n centre while the theatre is closed (probably for the next two or three months).”

However, the University of Chichester, which was also suggested by residents as a possible site, said it is not suitable.

A spokesman said: “We don’t have enough room on campus to provide vaccinatio­n sites. Students aren’t yet a priority. For the students at risk, we are in conversati­on with the hospital.”

The Sussex Covid-19 Vaccinatio­n Programme said it is aware of the feedback and ‘strength of feeling’ about the location of vaccine services in Chichester. A spokespers­on said: “The way in which GP vaccinatio­n services are delivered has been agreed at a national level and each area is typically allocated one Gpled vaccinatio­n site. Working with local GPS, we explored where we could best offer the vaccine to people in the

Chichester district.

“Many sites in the city centre were considered, such as council buildings and the cathedral. However, vaccinatio­n sites need to meet a strict set of national criteria that include adequate parking, infection control standards, IT requiremen­ts and can commit to accommodat­ing large numbers of people (300+) every day of the week with sole use as a vaccinatio­n centre until the autumn.

“As a result, many sites, some of which were more centrally located, were not suitable. However, as the vaccinatio­n programme continues to evolve - with new vaccines becoming available and new vaccinatio­n centres and pharmacy-led sites ready to go live in Sussex in the coming weeks – we are continuing to consider what other options may be available in Chichester.”

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Chichester Cathedral

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