Chichester Observer

How keeping fit helped one woman


One woman who suffers from long Covid has spoken on how life-style changes helped.

Mary Burgess, 54, from Emsworth, contracted the virus back in April and was diagnosed with long Covid by her GP.

She managed to improve the symptoms she was suffering by making some positive lifestyle changes.

She said: “I had coronaviru­s in April. I recovered but it affected my heart, causing me to have an irregular heartbeat that was too high even when I was resting or sleeping. I was able to monitor it using an Apple Watch, which told me that it was not right.

“I was feeling tired and suffering from headaches. I also got tinnitus, which is quite common with long Covid.

“In October I contracted blood poisoning and was told by the doctor that this can happen when the gut bacteria is affected.

“I started to move and get more active, going for long walks with my dogs to build up my fitness and it really started to work.

“I also improved my diet, eating probiotic food and lots of fruit and oily fish.

“It really made a lot of difference. I feel a lot better now. I don’t have so many headaches and my heart rate is better.

“Before I made the changes I had gum disease on two of my teeth and the dentist said it would take two months to cure.

“The dentist was amazed that it had virtually gone in no time since making the lifestyle changes. I am worried about getting it again so want to keep myself fit. I would encourage anyone to make some changes. The important thing is to keep moving if you can.”

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