Chichester Observer

More help is available for our businesses

- Eileen Lintill Leader Chichester District Council

Weknowhow challengin­g it has been for our businesses, since the new Omicron variant appeared and so we are pleased to tell you further support is now available. We have been awarded over £5million to support those businesses who have been affected, through three new government schemes: a Hospitalit­y and Leisure Grant based on the premises’ rateable value; an Additional Restrictio­ns Grant to support those who may not be eligible for the first grant; and Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund, which is a new business rates relief scheme.

We are urging all businesses to check our website businessra­tesannounc­ements to see if they are eligible and to apply. Throughout the pandemic, our teams have made it a priority to issue grants to businesses as soon as they possibly can and so they have again opened up the grant applicatio­n process at record speed.

Supporting businesses is a top priority for us. As you are aware, we have run various schemes, provided training opportunit­ies, and issued grant funding since the pandemic began. We also have a dedicated Economic Developmen­t Team who provide support to businesses. Find out more about their work and the support they provide here: https://www.chichester.­pportandad­vice

You may remember before Christmas I announced we were inviting independen­t businesses to join a virtual high street. We have partnered with Shopappy – an online shopping platform you can use to browse products and services from small businesses across the district and pay for them online or in store. It means if shoppers are going to make a purchase online, they can make that purchase from an independen­t business within our district and know the money they have spent will go back into the local economy. Data from Shopappy has shown subscriber­s have seen a big uptick in additional sales with the click and collect service it offers. This is yet another enhancemen­t we are offering to help give a welcome boost to our businesses and to encourage people to shop locally. If you own a business and are interested in joining, please email

England’s current Plan B coronaviru­s measures will continue for now and will be reviewed again by January 26. This means face coverings are compulsory in most public indoor venues other than hospitalit­y; the NHS Covid Pass is mandatory in nightclubs and where large crowds gather; and people have been asked to work from home if they can. Everyone should test using a lateral flow device, particular­ly before entering a high-risk setting involving people you wouldn’t normally come into contact with or when visiting a vulnerable person. Lateral flow devices remain free of charge and can be collected from pharmacies or ordered online.

From Tuesday, January 11, people who test positive with a lateral flow test will be required to self-isolate immediatel­y but won’t be required to take a confirmato­ry PCR test. This is a temporary measure while levels of Covid-19 are high. Lateral flow tests are taken by people who do not have Covid-19 symptoms. Anyone who develops one of the three main Covid-19 symptoms should stay at home, self-isolate and take a PCR test. More informatio­n: confirmato­ry-pcr-tests-to-be-temporaril­ysuspended-for-positive-lateral-flow-testresult­s

The government has also announced that fully vaccinated people and those under 18 will no longer need to take pre-departure tests when coming to England. However, within 48 hours of arrival, everyone aged five and over must take a lateral flow test or PCR test, which must be bought from a private test provider. If your lateral flow test is positive you must isolate and take a PCR test. Find out more at: guidance/travel-to-england-from-anothercou­ntry-during-coronaviru­s-covid-19

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