Chichester Observer

Country walk: Arundel to Ford


This is a 7.8 mile (12.5 kms) walk down the banks of the Arun and back again via Ford and Tortington. Park in Arundel and take the western river bank southwards along the footpath.

Note that the river is tidal and on the outflow is the sixth fastest run in England.

Salt marsh plants of sea-couch grass and sea purslane grow on the edge of the tidal flow.

The early perpendicu­lar pinnacles of Arundel church and castellati­ons of the castle give a most memorable backdrop to the town behind you.

The broad reach of the river reminds me of the Suez Canal.

Under the railway bridge at Ford trains thunder above you in a most dramatic way.

You might see some wrecks of some old boats huddled together in their berth of decay.

Leave the river at St Andrew’s church, one of the prettiest churches in Sussex.

It has a Norman framework and windows and there is an old male yew tree and some holm oaks outside.

There are some rare 15th century wall-paintings inside showing the devil prodding the unholy down into hell.

Cross the main road and follow Ford Lane or take the footpath just south of it to avoid the traffic as shown on my map.

Turn right at green footpath sign into an industrial site.

The footpath kinks left behind a metal fence and then you travel north into Goose Green meadows when you cross the railway line through pedestrian gates.

This is very dangerous as there is a curve in the line.

Cross foot bridges over ditches where reeds grow.

It is possible to see snipe and jacksnipe here as my grandfathe­r did in 1888.

In Goose Green turn right to Tortington across a meadow and a field.

Turn left along the village street and follow it north.

This is pleasant countrysid­e with woods around.

Turn right along the footpath crossing another minor road and back into the suburbs of Arundel through Stewards Copse housing estate.

Wend your way through the roads to a footpath back to the river-bank and the outgoing footpath.

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