Chichester Observer

Channel crossing in Laury’s memory


In order to raise awareness for mental illness and in memory of a lost relative, a family will sail from Chichester to Brittany.

The family of Laury Gratiet are set to sail across the English Channel from Chichester to northern Brittany to raise awareness of mental illness and raise money for the bursary set up in his name.

Laury’s mother, Solen Lees, will lead the crew, who have no sailing experience, but will travel under the guidance of Dhara Thompson, one of the directors of Chichester charity Sail Boat Project, which hosts the sailing bursaries provided by

Blue Spirit to young people aged 16 to 25 who are experienci­ng a mental health challenges. For more info, visit gofundme. com/f/in-his-slipstream-inmemory-of-laury

 ?? ?? Family sailing the English Channel in memory of Laury and to raise money for a young people’s charity.
Family sailing the English Channel in memory of Laury and to raise money for a young people’s charity.

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