Chichester Observer

Louise Duggan and Bobby Dazzler combine at Chichester’s Oxmarket

- Phil.hewitt@nationalwo­

Coffee & Tequila (TCT) is a pairing of artists Louise Duggan and Bobby Dazzler at Chichester’s Oxmarket Contempora­ry from December 12-23.

A spokesman said: “Individual­ly accomplish­ed and widely recognised, their works can be found in collection­s around the world. However, as TCT they aim to combine their skills, presenting collectors with exclusive creations not found elsewhere.

“Louise is a Chichester-based artist who, after graduating from Leicester University, trained as an interior designer, working throughout London for many high-end interior design firms before relocating to Dubai where she spent the next 20 years designing and producing artworks for hotels and the private residencie­s of the world’s elite. Her work is an explosion of colour, distorting and reshaping her subject matter, taking the viewer on an emotional journey and exploratio­n of the self.

“Bobby Dazzler is a Brighton-based artist specialisi­ng in combining retro styles with a modern, streetart aesthetic. Inspired by the street-art mentality for bold designs, rough cut execution and a penchant for anonymity, Bobby combines digital and analogue materials to create a pulp-fuelled cocktail of striking, surreal and often a little kitsch imagery – always with a wry edge and subtle humour.

“For each exhibition, the TCT group collaborat­es with a guest artist, and for this show it’s Chichester-based artist T-boy. Having studied at Worthing College of Art & Design his work is very much grounded in the world of pop art. Taking heavy influence from music, pop culture, iconic faces and special moments in time, with a meticulous eye for detail and precise degree of workmanshi­p, T-boy is dedicated to creating work in which you can appreciate the time and effort involved and which can simply be enjoyable.

“With a show this close to Christmas it’s the perfect optea portunity to treat yourself or a loved one to a unique gift, with items ranging from £20 to £2000. There is something for everyone, so come and discover this diverse collection.”

Also at the Oxmarket is Ebb and Flow (December 12-23) by Surrey-based Sam Pattman.

Sam said: “The exhibition is suggestive of the fleeting nature of existence and the human condition. The subject matter is of transitory, sentient beings and aims to engage the audience with their own spirituali­ty and transient existence. The paintings are often multi-layered as though to convey the passing of time in a historical sense.”

Currently Sam is also exhibiting work in London. This is however the first solo exhibition since completing her MA in September.

Sam describes herself influenced by the contempora­ry painter Hughie o’ Donoghue, Modigliani and classical masters such as Michelange­lo, the sculptors Stephen de Staebler, Giacometti, Stanislav Sucharda and many others.

 ?? ?? Louise Duggan - Just like that, I woke up (contribute­d pic)
Louise Duggan - Just like that, I woke up (contribute­d pic)

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