Chichester Observer

Lib Dems congratula­ted


Since taking control of the district council in May 2023, the Lib Dems have made it a top priority to get a Local Plan in place. The Local Plan was three years overdue as of May 2023 – after seven years of too slow work by the previous Tory administra­tion. The lack of a Local Plan has been a key gap in the area’s ability to resist planning applicatio­ns from property developers. It’s clear the new Lib Dem-led district council has been shaking things up with a much more forceful approach.

They have been insisting on meetings – at times weekly – with District Council staff, statutory bodies, government department­s and political figures to unblock issues and barriers, which should have been addressed years ago. Refreshing­ly, some of these meetings have included representa­tives from other political parties; to ensure there is cross-party buy-in and long-lasting support for the solutions brokered. Lib Dem parliament­ary candidate for Chichester constituen­cy Jess Brown-fuller said: “I am delighted to see the impact a Lib Dem administra­tion is having on the critically important Local Plan. Their determinat­ion, new approach and refusal to take no for an answer is like a breath of fresh air. By unlocking the deadlock, we will be seeing a Local Plan finally get over the line in the new year. Like many in our area, I’m anxious to see a stop on the deluge of speculativ­e and inappropri­ate developmen­t proposals that have been blighting our area for years.”

Deputy Leader of Chichester District Council, Jonathan Brown said: “This government’s shambolic national housing policy and the failure of Michael Gove (Secretary of State) to deliver on his promise to give councils like Chichester the power to block inappropri­ate developmen­t has made forceful political leadership at local level even more critical. I’m delighted Jess Brown-fuller is committed to work with Helen Morgan, Liberal Democrat MP, to overhaul the country’s planning and housing policy – so Chichester and Arun District Councils can better reflect the needs and wants of this constituen­cy’s residents.”

 ?? ?? Lib Dem parliament­ary candidate for Chichester constituen­cy Jess Brown-fuller
Lib Dem parliament­ary candidate for Chichester constituen­cy Jess Brown-fuller

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