Chichester Observer

Arun Arts are not to blame


On reading the Bognor Regis Observer of 14th December I am dismayed to see that Arun Arts have been thrown under a bus.

It appears that they are being blamed for the delay of the Regis Centre redevelopm­ent.

What a travesty. As a member of The Friends of the Regis Centre I have been regularly updated on the progress, or lack of it, since 2021 and am fully aware of Arun Arts need to see the project fulfilled since the grant was allocated in that year.

They planned to vacate the building in July 2022 but the timescale kept changing due to ADC’S failure to agree a start date with the contractor­s.

Subsequent­ly the theatre went dark in May 2023, 10 months later than expected, and Arun Arts started to move out.

The common areas of the building, such as the café and toilets remained open for public use. Planning Consent was passed in September 2023.

Throughout the delay Arun Arts continued on course, seeking storage for their effects elsewhere, and preparing to move out.

Meanwhile surveys were carried out internally and externally on the building with the full co-operation of the Arun Arts team and the suggestion that contracts ran out and new contractor­s were needed should not be laid at their door.

Building works can be affected by the weather and shortage of supplies but the Observer report has gone a step too far.

It is very worrying that someone has given the Observer news that looks to me like point scoring.

I sincerely hope that the inference that Arun Arts are to blame for the delay will be publicly rectified so that this project can move forward and avoid further damaging press releases.

Editor’s note: The Observer report was direct from a reporter’s coverage of an Arun District Council meeting and not a press release.

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