Chichester Observer

Three generation­s at park


Vicky Meets… Harriet Smith, Manager, Lordington Park, Luxury boutique bed and breakfast

Your family has owned Lordington Park since the mid-1980s. Will you tell me more?

Owned by my Grandparen­ts Elsie and David Rutland, there are three generation­s involved in Lordington. The original building dates back to the mid-18th century and it’s been a family labour of love ever since we moved here in 1984. It took a lot of hard work and some very long days to get the place habitable. We ran a business here, but the pandemic gave us an opportunit­y to diversify. It had always been a dream to turn Lordington into somewhere that people could come to stay, or have a wedding or exclusive hire, so we rethought the potential and decided to use my background in hospitalit­y. We now have three holiday cottages, as well as rooms in the main house.

The length of time it took get planning – during which we were unable to trade – was terrifying. But eventually, having jumped through many hoops, we got there.

Lordington is set in the South Downs National Park. Do you use local suppliers?

Using local suppliers and locally sourced produce is really important to us. We keep everything as local as possible. Charlie, my brother, even grazes the Lordington Lamb sheep in the fields surroundin­g the property. They mow the lawn!

Ithasexplo­ded!wehavealre­ady got some events booked too, as well as enquiries for funerals and exclusive hire. We have various packages for events and exclusive hire available, and we are always happy to discuss. Our Supper Club is also proving very popular.

We held an open house showcase for locals and local suppliers before Christmas and the feedback there was really encouragin­g too.

Your food looks amazing! Who is the culinary talent here?

The chef we are working with is Phil from Produce. He has many years for experience and I have known him andworkedw­ithhimform­any years. We thought it would be a great opportunit­y to work together on our new ventures. No set menus; everything is flexible and bespoke. He’s super-creativean­dlovescrea­ting exclusive menus for people.

Are you pet friendly?

Between us we have several dogs, so being pet friendly was a forgone conclusion. Besides, having so many beautiful walks on our doorstep how could we NOT welcome dogs? We are proud to be listed with the holiday company Pet’s Pyjamas and we’ve already had many bookings through them.wealsohave­achapwho comes with his two cats!

What are your hopes for Lordington’s future?

We have lots to look forward to in 2024, but the really important thing is securing

Lordington Park for the next generation. In time we’d like to add a restaurant.

It’s so peaceful here. Do you hear the road at all?

No, we don’t. One couple recently said that all they heard at night was an owl and the pheasants.

Where can we find more informatio­n?

www.lordington-park. www.petspyjama­

 ?? ?? Your website went ‘live’ recently. Are early signs encouragin­g?
Harriet Smith, Manager, Lordington Park, luxury bed and breakfast
Your website went ‘live’ recently. Are early signs encouragin­g? Harriet Smith, Manager, Lordington Park, luxury bed and breakfast
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