Chichester Observer

Investment is necessary


Response to Letter by

Simon Oakley in Chichester Observer, Print Edition 13.03.2024

In his attacks on the new Council’s budget, Simon Oakley continues to miss the same fundamenta­l points he did when he was a District Councillor. Without investment for the long term, all of the services we rely on and all of the things that people cherish about this area will be degraded irreparabl­y. Strong, resilient and vibrant communitie­s require investment if they are to remain this way. In opposition the Liberal Democrats did indeed attack the Conservati­ve administra­tion’s cuts to highly-valued services and its slowness to realise that ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ – that investment in supporting green business growth, decarbonis­ation and cultural programmes would pay for themselves in the long run.

That’s quite different to saying that the administra­tion was as careless with public money as is the national government.

Mr Oakley’s criticisms are also contradict­ory given that our administra­tion has balanced the budget, has made cost savings without making significan­t cuts and has begun investing for the future without putting the long-term finances of the Council at risk.

In the face of

Government cuts to local councils’ budgets, its mixedmessa­ging and delays to funding arrangemen­ts for new statutory services we have been able to show that the council can be run prudently while investing in the things that matter to the long-term health of our communitie­s, our countrysid­e and our climate. Adrian Moss, Leader, Chichester District Council Jonathan Brown, Deputy Leader, Chichester District Council

Richard Cobden House Lion Street, Chichester

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