Chichester Observer

Resigned from party


I regret to announce that I have resigned from the Liberal Democrats.

This saddens me greatly after some 20 years as a Libdem Councillor and three times Mayor of Chichester.

I stood down last May as a councillor thinking that the District and City Councils were in safe hands.

Together with many of you I have been deeply disappoint­ed in the new Libdem administra­tion, the broken promises particular­ly on car parking, and the lack of change we were all hoping for. Instead, we have seen the continuati­on of the previous regime of a self-serving officer led Council.

What is however unforgivea­ble is that they sought to undermine my member’s motion unanimousl­y passed by all Liddem and Conservati­ve Councillor­s amending the Events strategy and policy protecting Priory Park from headline events like the ice rink and major temporary builds and structures that damage the fabric of the park.

These deny the regular users of the park a large part of the park for many months.

It is becoming obvious that the proposed ice rink in Priory Park as opposed to being on hard standing will not achieve its objective and is already predicted to make a loss.

It is a poorly thought through project and ignores much of the evidence available from the 2018 failed ice rink.

I am afraid my loyalty must always be to the people of Chichester who were very supportive and trusted me for 20 years especially as Mayor through the pandemic.

The local Libdem Executive took exception to me advising them of the consequenc­es this ice rink in Priory Park might have on the prospectiv­e Parliament­ary Candidate Jess Brown-fuller as the Cabinet member for Events spokespers­on for this doomed project. Didn’t go down too well but sometimes you must tell it as it is.

I am now free of any political chains to support the people of Chichester especially the Priory Park Society in campaignin­g to stop this project, the waste of £250,000 and protect our very special historic park, our village green in the heart of our city which we all care about and love.

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