Chichester Observer

Dreams of a new tourist attraction after discovery


An incredible discovery on land earmarked for new homes has left residents wondering if a new plan could be possible.

An archaeolog­ical dig in Tangmere – to support the planning process for the developmen­t of 1,300 homes – has identified ‘areas of archaeolog­ical interest’ on the site, which includes the remains of a Roman settlement.

Countrysid­e Properties (UK) Ltd is working with Chichester District Council and Tangmere Parish Council on the developmen­t of 1,300 homes and community facilities at Tangmere Village.

As a result of the discovery, the University College of London's (UCL) Archaeolog­y South-east team will be undertakin­g archaeolog­ical excavation­s across 14 hectares of the site ‘over the course of the next three years’.

The excavation will cover 14 hectares, with work commencing in April 2024 and running until late 2026.

The remarkable news has generated a huge amount of interest – with dozens of our readers from across Sussex sharing their thoughts.

Steve Cox wrote: “Great news, let's hope they find a great mosaic floor and Roman baths. No new housing just a great new tourist attraction.”

Shane Langridge shared a joke about one-upmanship, writing: “Fishbourne …. ‘We have a Roman Palace’… Tangmere …. ‘Hey hold my beer and watch this’.”

David Deadman Jnr said it ‘would be brilliant’ if the discovery was the origin of ‘another site like Fishbourne Roman Palace’.

Antony O'donnell, however, is wondering ‘why are people surprised?’

He added: “If you think about it, the Atrebates were one of the very first client kingdoms of Rome in the 1st Century 43AD built forts on the Downs along the River Lavant, has staging forts and Client Lords on the outskirts of Noviomagus (Chichester). There is a lot more to be discovered around our area.”

Ros Thompson shared the view that ‘it's always been known that there were remains there’.

She added: “After all with the Priory and Boxgrove and the skeletal remains found there, there was bound to be something around here. I thinks it's so exciting we will watch with interest.”

Some people are hoping this discovery will spell the end for the major housing developmen­t plan.

Joanne Hutchinson wrote: “Good! Hopefully it means they won't be able to build homes on it! The entire area is just going to be one sprawling mass of housing developmen­ts from Chichester through to Worthing at this rate!”

Elizabeth Stuart agreed. She commented: “1,300 houses is a new town. Good bye rural West Sussex.”

Beverly Cerexhe-dickens shared her view that this find is ‘the past telling the future to stop’.

Craig Lee, on the other hand, stated that if it hadn’t of been for this housing developmen­t, this settlement ‘would not have been discovered’.

*What do you think about the news? We’re launching a commenting community on our Sussex World website so we can encourage positive discussion around pressing issues. All you need to do is click on the comment button at the top of any article and you’ll be redirected to the comments section at the bottom. Here you can add your thoughts and if they agree with our guidelines, it will shortly be posted to the site.

 ?? ?? Photos taken in August 2022 on land in Tangmere earmarked for the 1,300 homes during an archaeolog­ical dig
Photos taken in August 2022 on land in Tangmere earmarked for the 1,300 homes during an archaeolog­ical dig

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