Classic American

How to Repair Automotive Air-Conditioni­ng & Heating Systems


Author: Jerry Clemons Published by: Car Tech ISBN: 978-1-61325-500-1

There are still some automotive black arts, one of which is air-conditioni­ng, somewhat surprising considerin­g how many American cars have had this useful option for decades. With summers becoming hotter, it’s important to keep your a/c in operating condition and even if you don’t feel competent to maintain your system yourself, you could find this explanator­y volume pays for itself with the additional knowledge you’ll acquire when dealing with the trade.

It provides an overview of heating, ventilatio­n and air-conditioni­ng (HVAC) systems, their history and how technology has gradually developed into the efficient systems we today take for granted. It explains how your system should work and about the different refrigeran­ts, including the newer substances that are more ecofriendl­y. One reason a/c overhaul is usually a job for profession­als is because of the legal implicatio­ns of disposing of old lubricatin­g oils and refrigeran­ts, both here and in the US.

There’s a chapter on diagnosing faults in your a/c, recovery, evaluation and recharging your system and carrying out repairs. Air-conditioni­ng is operated by electricit­y, so the operation of electrical­ly controlled components is also covered. Finally, it deals with the heating system, how it works, diagnosing faults and repair procedures. Amateurs and pros alike should benefit from the imparted knowledge in this book.

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