Classic American

Valuation figures


These valuation figures are sourced directly from Hagerty Insurance in the US and are based on average valuation of a vehicle in the US. That means cars could be more or less than the figures given, depending on condition; i.e. a concours car would be a lot more, conversely a ‘project’ car would be a lot less. We’ve not included shipping, duties, tax or VAT – those would also have to be factored in were a car to be shipped from the US. The reason we’ve done it this way is that, should you decide on a particular make, model and year, you’re more likely to find several possibilit­ies stateside than here in the UK, where the number of cars is relatively small. Visit * Indicates specific model featured (details given in brackets). Prices correct as at June 22, 2021, exchange rate may vary.

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