Classic American



I’m sure I’m not unique in taking people for their word; if someone says: “Hey, you hit my car!” my immediate assumption isn’t “Of course not, that couldn’t be!” but rather “Gosh, did I hit his car? Maybe I did!” Such was the scene that unfolded in Manchester city centre one night. And so, I was accosted by an angry motorist who accused me of hitting their car after we pulled over. I was slightly mortified by the whole experience.

There had definitely been some sort of ‘bump’, but since I’d had a jump pack in the boot that tended to rock back and forth, I assumed it was that. It was only later when I sat down and drew what had happened on paper that I realised the only way this ‘collision’, or ‘scrape’ as I would call it, could have happened would have been if I’d reversed into their car, which clearly, I hadn’t. It all happened so quickly and as I say, I was mortified and tend to take people at their word…

My point is, it’s easy to become complacent when you’re out enjoying a drive and if something suddenly happens out of the blue which shocks you out of your comfort zone it’s vital that you keep a clear head and focus on the situation at hand, no matter how unpleasant. Take a moment to think, take stock of the situation, then make sure you get down all the details you know you’re going to need later – not just the driver’s details but also the location, the time of day, the driving conditions, the positionin­g of the cars relative to the road and so on. Whatever you’re driving, it can be rough on the road so as they used to say in Hill Street Blues: Let’s be careful out there!

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