Classic Car Weekly (UK)

Reliant archive treats

- Nick Larkin reliantmot­

A club for Reliants that was formed just a year ago has already attracted 150 members. And now it’s put some highly important archive informatio­n online.

Set up by marque fanatics Elvis Payne (whose major new book on the cars has just been published), and Mark Cropper, the Reliant Motor Club has lost no time in building a unique archive. As well as producing a 70page magazine packed with historical informatio­n, the club has put every issue of the rare magazine Reliant

Review online for members only. This was published from 1963-67, then as an internal newsletter from 1997-1998.

All 96 issues are available, along with 239 Reliant brochures.

The club’s physical archive includes the original Reliant sign from the firm’s Tamworth premises and company founder, Tom Williams’, personal set of wood chisels.

Club president and former Reliant deputy managing director, Barrie Wills, says: ‘We’ve really tried to embrace the internet and all of the benefits that come with it. But club members have also shown so much dedication to the Reliant marque, and are doing a fantastic job in spreading the word and building up this archive. It’s something we’re really proud of.’

Club membership is £8.50 a year.

 ??  ?? Every issue of the Reliant Review is now online.
Every issue of the Reliant Review is now online.

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