Classic Car Weekly (UK)

The ‘stupid minority’ threatenin­g car events


It was with a great deal of sadness, and not a little anger that I heard about the very serious car crash in Stevenage during a recent car cruise meet.

What possesses these cretins involved to behave in such an irresponsi­ble, and dangerous manner? As well as the injured, I feel sorry for the organiser, Rix Sidhu, who had his request to the people attending the event to behave sensibly totally ignored by a very stupid minority.

The outcome of their actions is that, after 17 years, the Cruise Herts club has decided to suspend the meetings – and being that it was a charity event, the charities will also suffer a loss of income.

In Chester we have lost three sites due to the irresponsi­bility and stupidity of a small number of people leaving black tyre-spin marks on private property, hitting cars, knocking down fences and almost colliding with a group of children, to list just a few of the thoughtles­s actions of these people.

We are now on our fourth site, and if we lose this site due to the stupidity of

the few, that will be it for these events in Chester. The irresponsi­ble behaviour of a small minority could, if we are not very careful, make the Government have a ‘knee-jerk’ reaction and bring in legislatio­n that will make it very difficult for the ‘cars ‘n coffee’ and small transport meetings to continue.

Various people have said that the police should have been in attendance. But should we have to depend on the presence of police officers to ensure that people behave in a sensible and safe manner?

If we aren’t careful, this small minority of irresponsi­ble people (and very often, not members of the organising club) will kill the pleasure we obtain from showing off our cars and talking with like-minded people. Tom Montagu, Chester CCW wishes everyone caught up in the incident at the recent Cruise Herts meet a speedy recovery. We’d never condone irresponsi­ble behaviour or dangerous driving at events, especially on public roads, and would encourage event organisers encounteri­ng it to report these problems to the police – Ed

 ??  ?? Tom Montagu worries that smaller classic meets could be threatened by a knee-jerk reaction to irresponsi­ble driving at other motoring events.
Tom Montagu worries that smaller classic meets could be threatened by a knee-jerk reaction to irresponsi­ble driving at other motoring events.

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