Classic Car Weekly (UK)



‘We haven’t really been affected by the lockdown because we were in the middle of growing the business when lockdown came. We have restored Porsches for the past seven years and that took over when demand for Volkswagen camper vans began to ease off. We struggled to get some parts for a while, and I’d certainly like more events to re-start again so we can start getting our name out there once again.’

ANGUS TURNER Owner, Greatworth Classics and VW Camper Co. ‘ The business had built up a strong customer base from all over the country and by recommenda­tions from clubs; it’s got to the point where we have a 15-month waiting list for work. There were some issues earlier in the year because the business is in Wales and we all live in England; we simply weren’t able to get to the workshop as the rules differed for a while. We furloughed our apprentice and two other part timers but they’re now back at work.’

JOHN WOODS, owner/founder, John Woods Motorcare ‘Our full complement [of 15 staff ] returned to work two weeks ago; we were furloughed for three months until the start of lockdown until July. As more people came back we were selling a car every week and the service side has also picked back up because of the number of cars sat parked during lockdown. 50 per cent of our work comes from the race business, but while the tracks were closed we had more than enough to keep us going.’

SPOKESPERS­ON, Richard Thorne Classic Cars

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