Classic Racer

The 2009 demonstrat­ion ride


After Roberts’ 2009 demo at the Indy Mile, Ray’stz750 was stored among several other bikes on the mezzanine floor at A&A Racing. On a typical sunny San Francisco day that oh-so special machine was brought down on a pallet with a forklift. Ray removed the fuel cap, gave the bike a shake to mix the fuel/oil and declared there was enough gas left to start it. He turned both fuel taps on, climbed aboard, and we push-started it for the first time in several years.the 750 four crackled into life almost instantly and Ray rode it up and down the public street – it was a truly magic moment. Roberts on his 2009 demo ride: “I really went there for myself, and I’ve no idea why. People have offered me money to go do it again in different places but I haven’t been in the mood. It was a fun ride and I wanted to do it, and I did it, and the deal to do it again – it’d be why?” Laughing! “Too much of a good thing.”

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