Classic Rock



As well as (Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay,

Steve Cropper also co-wrote other songs recorded by Otis Redding, including

Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song) and Mr. Pitiful.

The latter, written in 1964, came about entirely by chance.

“I was leaving the studio late one night,” Cropper recalls, “and [DJ] Moohah Williams was on the radio, introducin­g an Otis song with: ‘Here’s a brand new one by the great Mister Pitiful.’ I’d never heard of Otis being referred to like that before.

“When I got up next morning it was still in my head. Then I’m in the shower, singing it, before I go pick up Otis for a studio session. I told Otis about it and he fell in love with the song, so together we finished Mr. Pitiful in the car.”

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