Classic Sports Car


- HEAD OF OPERATIONS, THE VAULT EUROPE 01473 598836; thevaulteu­ Alex Tarry

How long have you been in business? We opened our doors in December 2023, and our feet haven’t hit the floor since. We have a steady stream coming through our workshop, and our storage facility in Suffolk is filling with cherished classics and sports cars, now safely in our care.

How did you get into the industry?

By having too many cars of my own! I’m the perfect customer, and the concept has been further developed by our three founders. We have worked together and known each other for years, all sharing a passion for classics – a dream scenario.

What’s the best car you’ve ever owned? I love my MGA. It’s a 1960 1600, restored by our team to factory spec. We changed the colour and trim, and it not only looks fabulous but drives very well, too – ideal for whipping around the Suffolk lanes.

What would you never part with?

My 1983 Škoda Estelle 120LSE. It was my grandfathe­r’s car, bought new by him, and I’ve had it since I was a student. I’ve driven it all around Europe and recently restored it to concours standard. It’s absolutely cherished and very rare now, a real gem.

What’s your dream drive? I recently drove across Namibia in a Land-rover. Hours and hours of stunning scenery, lovely roadside ‘padstalls’, no traffic and amazing roads – perfection.

What does the future hold? I see a very bright future for our industry. People are reliving childhoods and indulging dreams, and that will never go out of fashion.

If you weren’t involved in classics, what would do? I’d be restoring old, abandoned buildings, a passion of mine for the past 30 years. Another form of classic, I guess!

Tell us something interestin­g about you I started in classic cars extremely young: I used to buy them as a schoolboy and learnt to drive in a Wolseley 1500 on a friend’s driveway. I bought my mother’s Morris Traveller from the scrapyard she’d sold it to, without telling her, aged 13.

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