Closer (UK)

Ting myself to gne and sushi’ ‘I can’t face more upheaval’



checked out of hospital in Liverpool the day after the bi rth. The labour was relatively dr ama f ree and she had a great mid wife b y h er side, as well as Wayne and her parents.”


The pal adds: “Kai and Klay are loving their new brother, although Coleen says she needs three sets of eyes now! She’s been tired, but treated herself to a glass of champagne and lots of sushi when she got home, as she’d been craving it.”

According to sources, parentsof-four the Beckhams have sent their congratula­tions.

A pal says: “They sent flowers, and a funny message joking about how the Rooneys are mirroring them with three boys. Coleen texted Victoria to thank her and said she and Wayne will just have to try again for a little girl!”

Sources say Coleen – who is gearing up for her 30th in April – has already talked about more babies. A pal says: “Coleen loves having a chaotic family home and she’s set her heart on getting her little girl one day.”


Coleen also caused a stir last week, when it emerged she’s followed in Kim Kardashian’s footsteps by having Kit’s placenta turned into capsules.

“A friend recommende­d it,” says a pal. “Coleen was intrigued about the health benefits and agreed to give it a try.”

It’s claimed the capsules – which cost around £150 to make – prevent the “baby blues” and boost energy. But Closer ’s Dr Christian says: “There’s no evidence that eating the placenta o r taking placenta pills has an y benefits. People say it’s a great source of nutrients, but the placenta acts as a filter to protect the baby from toxins – not so appetising. They also say that animals eat it in the wild, so why not humans, but animals do it for survival as they don’t want predators to know they’ve just had a litter. There’s no evidence it increases bonding between mum and baby and it doesn’t help with milk production either. Copy Kim’s beauty tips – not this!”

“If they helped

your health

or prevented


then I’d definitely

consider taking

placenta pills.”

“I think eating your placenta

sounds disgusting – I’m

not sure I could even do it

in pill form.”

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