Closer (UK)

What’s your food personalit­y?

Celebrity personal trainer Dalton Wong helps you to figure out your emotional eating triggers and lose weight the easy way Jennifer Lopez


f you want to I shape up, work out what makes you overeat, so says celeb personal trainer Dalton Wong, who reasons: “Emotional eating is the single biggest reason for weight gain and fatigue. It’s estimated 75 per cent of what we eat is governed by emotions. If you can get a grip on emotional eating, this will stop you feeling powerless around food.”

Dalton, who has trained Jennifer Lawrence, Amanda Seyfried and Zoë Kravitz, adds: “Even if you just spend 15 minutes a day making small changes, this all adds up to help you feel fitter and healthier.”

Read on for his tips to suss your inner emotional eater.


You can sometimes go all day hardly eating, only to overeat in the evening. This can happen when you don’t eat enough during the day – then your body rebels. You’re also likely to binge if you’re low on nutrients. E.g – a chocolate craving could mean you need magnesium (found in leafy greens), or craving salty foods means you may be low in calcium (found in dairy). Eating regularly will help.


You snack to cope with everyday stress. You’re likely to say: “I deserve a pizza, I’ve had a manic day.” Plan ahead and buy healthy, filling options like salmon, avocados, eggs, nuts, sweet potatoes and brown rice. Observe when you get stressed and keep healthy snacks rather than reaching for the biscuits to provide comfort.


You eat “to be polite” rather than choosing what’s right for you. But it’s OK to say no to cake. True friends will be supportive. If you seem to eat more with one particular friend, make it clear to them you are being healthy from the outset. grabbing a leftover sandwich after a board meeting or picking at food as you cook. But you’re loading up on calories without the psychologi­cal satisfacti­on of eating. Register what you’re eating in a diary, or photograph what you eat on your phone.

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