Closer (UK)

Cheryl: “I’ll focus on my health to get over my heartbreak”

CHERYL: After sparking fears for her wellbeing last year, Cheryl Fernandez-versini overhauls her diet to help her through her painful split

- By Rebecca Twomey

er scarily H thin frame caused shockwaves last summer, and last month it was reported that during this time the star was dealing with the breakdown of her marriage to Jean-bernard.

But after enduring so much heartache, last week marked a turning point for Cheryl Fernandez-versini. The 32 year old was all smiles as she arrived in Barbados for Kimberley Walsh’s wedding, alongside former Girls Aloud bandmate Nicola Roberts.


Leading up to the big day Cheryl, who called for body shaming to be made illegal last September, shared a bikini selfie showing her on the road to looking healthier and pals say the star is determined to focus on her health to help mend her broken heart.

A source says: “Cheryl has had a tough time and now admits her health wasn’t her focus as she had so much going on. But she’s now doing everything she can to be strong – physically and emotionall­y. She’s overhauled her diet and fitness routine. Before, she’d struggle to eat big meals as she had no appetite.

“Since The X Factor finished in December, she’s had a lot less stress in her life and has gained a little weight. Her brother Garry, who’s living with her, prepares her meals amd she’s getting lots of nutrients from salads and fruit.

“She’s started boxing classes, too, so she can feel physically stronger and says it’s great for the endorphins. She hopes focusing on her health will help her get over her heartbreak.”

Pals say her family and friends have encouraged Cheryl – who married JB in a secret ceremony in 2014 after just two months – to try to be healthier so when she dates again she’ll be in a good place.

A pal says: “Cheryl isn’t looking to date, but when the time comes for a new guy in her life she’d like to look and feel her best. Cheryl wants to be emotionall­y strong so she doesn’t end up in a rebound romance.”


And despite being thrilled for best pal Kimberley, who was set to marry boyfriend of 14 years Justin Scott as Closer went to press, insiders say Cheryl was tearful ahead of the celebratio­ns as she fears she may never get her own happy ending.

A source says: “Cheryl couldn’t be happier for Kimberley, but she can’t help finding things tough. Cheryl’s wedding to JB was also in the Caribbean so it stirred up a lot of painful memories. She worries everyone thinks she was foolish for marrying him so quickly. She had a teary heart-to-heart with Nicola. There’s nothing Cheryl would love more than the life Kimberley has with Justin and their 15-month-old son Bobby. Cheryl knows she’s been so lucky with her career, but she wishes she had a family.”

Despite her own torment, pals say Cheryl was determined not to let her pain overshadow Kimberley’s big day.

A pal says: “Kimberley spoke to Cheryl before the wedding and said she knew it would be hard for her and she understood if Cheryl did get upset. Cheryl was really appreciati­ve, but was determined to put on a brave face for Kimberley. She might not have the perfect relationsh­ip, but she knows she’s very lucky to have such great friends.”

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