Closer (UK)

Tina: “I walk round the house naked now I’ve got this body!”

She’s spent the past five years overhaulin­g her body, and now actress Tina Malone is thrilled to finally have the figure she’s always dreamed of

- By Annabelle Lee

t’s been a dramatic journey I to body confidence for Tina Malone, who has not only lost 11∂st, but also gone through four major operations to nip and tuck her entire body.

But for the actress it’s all been worth it, and she admits that after 18 years of feeling unhappy with her figure, she’s ecstatic to have the body of her dreams.

“I’m finally happy with my body,” she beams on Closer ’s exclusive photo shoot. “I’d been a big fat bird for so many years, losing the weight was great and these operations have been the icing on the cake. I walk around the house naked now because I’ve got a great body. And for the first time since I was 18, I’ve got a great pair of boobs!”

Following her gastric band surgery five years ago, Tina, 53, lost more than half her body weight in just 19 months, but was left with almost a stone of excess skin. After having her daughter Flame, two, with husband Paul Chase in 2013 aged 50, Tina went through four major operations – totalling £50,000 – to remove her loose skin. The procedures began in March last year and included the removal of skin from her arms, stomach, neck and chin. She also had a breast uplift and enlargemen­t.


When Closer last caught up with Tina after her final op in August, she was suffering from swelling and water retention but, five months on, the actress looks and feels better than ever and poses confidentl­y in swimwear for our shoot. “I’ve never worn a bikini before. I used to cover up in huge T-shirts and kaftans, but now I can’t wait to hit the beach in this summer. I went into Selfridges the other day and tried on a pair of size 8 jeans and they fitted,” she says. “I couldn’t believe it. This is the body I’ve always dreamt of.”

Tina has also noticed a huge difference emotionall­y and admits that she’s become a much more positive person since her body overhaul. In fact, even the cruel online backlash she received after unflatteri­ng pictures of her wearing no make-up were published recently didn’t faze her. She says: “I was trying a new cream to help with my on my face so I couldn’t wear makescarri­ng up. I couldn’t give a toss, it’s not my job to look glam. I’m an actress, not a TOWIE star.”


Tina – who was a size 26 at her biggest – reveals: “I was overweight for 18 years and I can’t believe how down it made me. Even if I dressed up for the evening and people said I looked nice, in my head they’d mean: ‘You look nice… for a fat bird.’ Now I’m so much more positive.”

Tina – best known for playing Mimi in Shameless – feels ready to go back to work and will bring her confidence to upcoming roles. “I’m ready to embark on my acting career again,” she smiles. “Before, I was full of negativity and dreaded having to do a scene with nudity or sex. Now I’ll whip off my dressing gown straight away!”

And Tina’s personal trainer husband Paul, 33, who she married in 2010, is delighted with her new positive outlook.

She says: “He loves me whether I’m a size 18 or a size 8, but he’s happy for me. Our sex life’s always been great, but I show off more

now – I love showing off my boobs in bed.”

Despite her soaring confidence, Tina hasn’t ruled out further surgery, revealing: “I hope to have my thighs nipped and tucked some time soon. I’d also like to have my veneers redone and made whiter. I may as well go the whole hog and fix everything.”


But Tina’s surgery didn’t come without complicati­ons – doctors warned her of the risks of going through four major operations within six months, which include blood clots and respirator­y problems. After her breast surgery, Tina’s stitches ripped and she found herself rushed into hospital to have an implant changed. But the actress admits she doesn’t regret a thing.

“I was never nervous about the ops,” she says. “I doubled up all my insurance beforehand, though, just in case, heaven forbid, I dropped dead. I have two girls to think about [she has daughter Dannielle, 34, as well as Flame]. But people always ask me if I’d do it again and I say: ‘In a heartbeat.’”

After having her gastric band loosened for the operations, Tina – who suffers from OCD and bipolar disorder, which believes means she struggles with selfshe moderation, leading to overeating – has now had it re-tightened and sticks to a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veg.

She says: “I can’t eat a lot because of the gastric band anyway. One thing I’ll never give up is chocolate, though I just have a few squares a day rather than three or four bars.”

Tina has also vowed to get fit this year. The star laughs: “I’ve always quite fancied running a marathon. I’ll be getting fit at 53, after getting fat at 23!”

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