Closer (UK)

This week’s TV



Tlatest storyline? Eva discovers a refugee called Marta hiding at Underworld. She’s been sleeping rough and Eva finds out she’s been kept as a slave by a family called the O’driscolls. They’re successful and run another factory that Underworld is doing a make-or-break deal with… What does Eva do? We’re used to seeing Eva’s feisty and bitchy side, but she has a good heart and she takes Marta under her wing. She brings her food and drink and tries to make her as comfortabl­e as she can. She tells Billy the vicar and then confides in Aidan, but she doesn’t mention that Marta was being kept by the O’driscolls. Instead she tries to take things into her own hands, which in true Eva fashion backfires and she ends up putting the whole factory at risk – everyone could lose their jobs. Eva got together with Aidan

[played by 2005 X Factor winner

Shayne Ward] at New Year – you

get more than your fair share of the cobbles’ heartthrob­s… It’s a tough job – they keep throwing these fit blokes my way! I get people on Twitter wishing they were in my shoes. Before Shayne there was Ryan Thomas [Jason Grimshaw], Marc Baylis [Rob Donovan] and Ben Price [Nick Tilsley]. Eva’s done alright! All of them have been lovely.

Was it easy squeezing back into Eva’s skimpy outfits after having your baby [Alfie, now 11 months]? Oh no! It’s been tough – I’ve absolutely worked my backside off to get back into them! I’m not one of these people who is naturally athletic or blessed with good genes. When I came back to work I had a stone to go and that came off pretty quickly once I started training. I’m doing a two-day charity trek over the Brecon Beacons in June, so I’m currently working hard for that. Do you like your work wardrobe? I do, because I’d never wear those clothes in real life. They’re tiny and my dad has to constantly avert his eyes while he’s watching Corrie ! He says: “You’ll catch your death, put some bloody clothes on!” Nothing is too short or too lowcut – I don’t think those rules apply to Eva’s wardrobe! You’re tying the knot this

spring [with fitness trainer fiancé Tom Pitfield, 28] – is marriage important to you? Very much. Both mine and Tom’s parents celebrated their ruby wedding anniversar­ies last year. We’re really hopeful that we’ll take a leaf out of their books and that we’ll have a long and happy marriage.

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