Closer (UK)

‘Yes I have Botox and fillers – but I won’t take it too far’

Natasha Hamilton puts the record straight about why she had to have surgery at 33 and her battle to love her body after four babies

- By Neeru Sharma

She’s endured constant surgery speculatio­n over the years. But Natasha Hamilton –

who once posed naked for Closer in 2013 to show off her natural look and denied having work done – now reveals she’s had Botox, fillers and laser treatment.

Natasha, 33, says: “I’ve had Botox in my frown lines on my forehead and I’ve had some filler in my top lip. I do get comments about my cheeks, but I’ve not had anything done and I haven’t touched my bottom lip. When I was younger it didn’t interest me, but I’ve spent a long time thinking about it and now I’m at an age where I feel it’ll help – and I want to feel good about myself.”


The star – who also had a boob job in 2003 following her pregnancy with eldest son Josh, now 13, taking her from a 32B to a 32D – says that, while she’s not adverse to more surgery, she won’t get carried away.

She says: “I’d never say never to more surgery but I don’t have anything planned. I’ve done a lot of research into fillers and Botox and there are so many disaster stories out there. You do have to be careful.”

Meanwhile, fresh from undergoing Dermaeraze laser treatment to remove stretch marks on her breasts, Natasha – who is also mum to Harry, 11, Alfie, six, and 21-month-old Ella – reveals the stretch mark scarring made her insecure.

She explains: “I breastfed three of my kids and, when I stopped I had deep purple lines around my breasts, especially after Ella, my fourth child. It used to make me feel self-conscious but I had an hour-long session of laser treatment in January and gradually after six weeks the marks disappeare­d. It was a massive boost.”

Last year Natasha revealed she lost 1½st and dropped three dress sizes in three months after giving birth in September 2014. And while she’s always been slim, getting her body back into shape fourth time around was no easy feat.

She says: “Over the past 14 years my body has changed so much, I’ve had four babies and fluctuated between a size 6 and a 14. It was a struggle after Ella and my body didn’t just click back into shape. My tummy has been stretched so much, it can’t keep up!”

She adds: “I’ve got a massive gap in my abs where there’s no muscle, but you can’t have everything. I love my body because it’s given me four beautiful children.”

Now the size 8 star hits the gym three times a week doing cardio and weight training and eats a high-protein Paleo diet, which is low in carbs and dairy.

Meanwhile, after ending her engagement with Ritchie Neville, 36, earlier this year the Atomic Kitten singer revealed the pair were still sharing a home for the sake of their daughter. And although she insists things still remain amicable between the pair, Natasha is looking to the future.

She says: “The living situation has worked well for us. If anyone spent 10 minutes inside my house, they’d see it’s a happy home – and that’s all that matters. Things are good at home, but I am looking for a new house just for the kids and me.”


Similarly, Natasha’s bandmate Kerry Katona, also suffered heartache after splitting with husband George Kay in October last year. Natasha – who joined Kerry on stage with Liz Mcclarnon in Chester last week – insists she’s coping well.

She says: “Kerry’s in a great place, she’s happy and content. We’re grown women and we’ve got to a point in our lives where some things work and some don’t. Her kids are fabulous too, so fair play to her!”

And as she looks to her own future, Natasha reveals she’s vowed she won’t be having any more children.

She says: “My baby days are over! I have a busy house but I have a routine – it’s all about planning. Ella’s in nursery now, which gives me a bit more time to myself. I feel confident in my own skin and I hope that radiates on the outside.”

The Britain’s Got Talent presenter and mum-of-two, 45, reveals her body-confidence secrets

THE FOODS Vegetarian Amanda is a sucker for red and rosé wine and the odd bag of crisps. Breakfast is a smoothie with porridge and a cup of coffee, lunch is salad or soup and dinner is a Quorn shepherd’s pie. She says: “I love my food, I don’t believe in half-fat anything. I have fullfat Greek yoghurt, butter and cheese.” Rather than avoiding her favourites, she just eats healthy portions.

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