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TOP TWEET How to cope with anxiety

Do collagen beauty drinks actually work? Women are twice as likely as men to experience anxiety but it can be managed, says Dr Christian


ore than one in 10 people are M likely to have a “disabling anxiety disorder” at some stage in their life. If you’re not coping, talk to your doctor. You can ask for a phone consultati­on or an appointmen­t at a quieter time, too, but don’t ignore it – we can help.


Anxiety isn’t being worried about an interview or medical test, it’s feeling anxious a lot of the time about many things. It disproport­ionately hits women under 35, perhaps because with work, relationsh­ips, young families, or trying to start a family, there’s lots to worry about, and it can be overwhelmi­ng. Like depression, anxiety can be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and you’re more likely to suffer if close family are also affected.


As well as feeling worried and on edge, there are physical symptoms. Often people come to see me thinking they have a heart problem or asthma, as the body releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, causing a tight chest, nausea, a pounding heartbeat, shallow breathing, headaches, sweating, loss of appetite, faintness or an overactive bladder.


Fearing the worst, jumping to conclusion­s, or labelling yourself negatively. Once diagnosed,

TV presenter Saira Khan, 46, on her smile

“I’ve been unhappy with my teeth since I was a teenager, but I hated the thought of metal braces. Since appearing on TV I became even more conscious of them. So earlier this year I opted for invisible braces – they don’t affect my speech and no one even notices them!”

Avoiding stress

Lots of anxious people avoid things that make them stressed as a coping method. Think about something that makes you a little anxious – not doing a bungee jump off The Shard, but calling someone when you feel a bit shy – and try to do it. Over time, it can help you feel more confident.


Anything that makes you puff and pant a few times a week will help. Research has shown that spending your leisure time watching TV or playing computer games increases risk of anxiety. Choose something you’ll enjoy – it seems obvious, but if you hate running, forcing yourself to go won’t help.

PANIC Attacks

One in 10 people experience occasional panic attacks, but panic disorder affects one in 50, and is twice as common in women. People often describe it as suddenly feeling ill and shaky, as if everything is closing in. Again, I recommend CBT, and sometimes prescribe antidepres­sants, but your doctor can work out the best treatment. There are excellent support groups too such as

Anxious kids

Children of anxious parents are more likely to be anxious themselves, but you can change that. Teach them to recognise a real danger (a dog snarling and bearing its teeth) or an unrealisti­c fear (a docile puppy). It’s about recognisin­g when fears are healthy and worth paying attention to.


Specific phobias – things like rodents, deep water or needles – are very treatable. Usually a therapist will gradually expose you to the thing you fear. There are some good online tools, as well – Dr Pixie [Mckenna, from

Embarrassi­ng Bodies] beat her fear of spiders

using the Phobia Free app, which was created by two psychiatri­sts. And offers breathing techniques and CBT for stress. Complex phobias like agoraphobi­a (fear of open spaces) usually require CBT, antidepres­sants or psychother­apy.


You can suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after anything traumatic, such as being involved in a car accident or witnessing a violent crime. You relive the event through nightmares and flashbacks, you may isolate yourself, feel guilty and struggle to sleep. It’s normal for there to be repercussi­ons if you go through something horrible, but if it continues to interfere with your life as time passes, talk to your doctor. Specific therapies can help.

“I earn £2,000 up being really expensive. “My overdraft is currently £1,500 and I go into it a lot.

I need to prioritise my money

better. I have no savings, but I’d love to buy a house with my boyfriend at some point.” SARAH’S 3-POINT PLAN 1) BUDGET It sounds boring but it’s crucial, and it won’t stop Jenny from enjoying herself. The difference is she can enjoy stuff without stressing about debt. Most banks have apps and text alerts to help you track your spending. The Money Advice Service (Moneyadvic­eservice. has a great budgeting tool, and there’s a good household budget calculator on Thisismone­ 2) AVOID THE OVERDRAFT Jenny is sensible to avoid credit and store cards, but an overdraft is debt, too, and will be taken into account when applying for a mortgage, especially if Jenny regularly goes into the red. Some banks charge for being a penny into your overdraft – Barclays and Halifax charge as much as £3 a day depending on

TOTAL: £1,729

how much you’re in debt. Current accounts at First Direct, Nationwide and Santander have interest or fee-free overdrafts. 3)BREAK THE SHOPPING ADDICTION Psychologi­sts say the classic signs of addiction are keeping excessive buys a secret, experienci­ng guilt and shame after sprees, and delaying paying bills to allow more shopping. Jenny should always shop with a list to avoid impulse buys; occasional­ly leave her purse at home so she can’t give in to temptation; and only withdraw a certain amount each day to spend.

● BEYOND BODIES a lot of teens believe their looks somehow dictate their self-worth, so compliment them on all of their qualities. ● DITCH THE FADS explain that fad diets aren’t realistic or good for you, then plan and cook healthy balanced meals that you’re all happy to eat together.

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