Closer (UK)

Deluded Jordan: “My drunken outburst won’t ruin me”

After reckless behaviour on holiday, pals fear Jordan’s career is left hanging in the balance – and she’s forced to apologise to her ex, Peter Andre

- By Olivia Buxton

Her crazy antics H over the years have raised more than a few eyebrows. But after reinventin­g herself from glamour girl Jordan into loving mum-of-five Katie Price, it seemed she’d successful­ly distanced herself

from her racy past.

Yet just as it appeared Jordan had put her wild ways behind her, she shockingly reverted back last week when footage emerged of her on holiday in Mallorca, with reports she mocked ex-hubby Peter Andre’s manhood during a drunken karaoke rant, made a jokey reference to blindness despite her 14-year-old disabled son Harvey being blind, and insulted holidaymak­ers.


The crude drunken outburst came just a day after Jordan, 38, posted – then later deleted – a topless shot of her new surgically enhanced Gg-cup breasts to Instagram. And pals say this may only be the beginning of her self-destructiv­e streak re-emerging.

A source says: “Katie has been acting like a diva and she was out of control. She was irritated that the bar staff didn’t do Porn Star Martinis and she offered to make them herself. She went on a bender and was very tipsy.

“She was dancing and flashing her boobs; and when she was in the toilets, she was shouting from her cubicle for [husband] Kieran Hayler to ‘join her.’ Kieran had to act like her bodyguard, and Katie later blamed him for letting her get so drunk.”

In recent years, Jordan has tried to reinvent herself by reverting to her original name of Katie Price, having her breast implants removed and swapping Playboy shoots for photo shoots with her children. And it appeared to work; this year she landed a presenting role on Loose Women, and has her own family-friendly reality show, Katie Price’s Pony Club. But insiders say her latest outburst and antics could harm her career and she’s been forced to arrange crisis talks.


A source says: “Katie’s profile has taken a hit as a result of what she’s done and how she handles the aftermath will determine if she eases things with her career or not.

“Loose Women took a gamble signing Katie. They have called her to arrange talks about her recent behaviour, and she’s under pressure to apologise. Her team fear she’ll lose lucrative work offers if she continues to be so provocativ­e. There are also concerns of her popularity sliding before her latest autobiogra­phy is released next month.”

As Closer previously reported, Jordan is obsessed with her pin- up heyday and, every so often, elements of her former alterego slip out. She apologised on Loose Women in May after making graphic references to sex and, in November, she flashed her bottom on the red carpet. Insiders say that Jordan is defiant and unaware of the true damage she’s done with her recent outburst.

A source says: “Katie has joked that ‘Jordan’ needs to take some time out on the naughty step, but sometimes she is deluded about how serious her behaviour is and what damage it could do. She defends herself by saying it’s not as if she’s murdered someone or done drugs. She’s adamant she’s done nothing wrong and that her latest outburst won’t ruin her. She has reassured friends that one night out won’t affect her work.”

At the end of last year, Jordan finally made amends with ex-husband Peter, 43, following a bitter war of words, and last month Closer reported they are planning to team up for joint TV projects. But insiders say Peter is nervous she may also harm his “family man” image.


Meanwhile, Jordan was shamed into trying to pacify Pete, who she worried would be upset with her.

A source says: “Katie hates to grovel but she wants to stay on good terms with Pete, so she apologised for being drunk. She also said sorry for any impact her behaviour could have on the kids. For her to back down and apologise was a big deal. Pete’s keen to distance himself from Katie’s behaviour; he’s not lashed out at her as he wants them to get on and work together.”

But Jordan’s pals are worried she doesn’t realise the full extent of what she’s done and is ignoring advice.

A source says: “Katie won’t listen to her team or her family. She doesn’t believe in bad publicity and believes she can turn anything into gold. But this time after working so hard to change her image the damage could well be irreversib­le.”

‘Jordan won’t listen to her team or her family’

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