Closer (UK)

Grieving fiancée: “I must stay strong for our kids”

Giovanna Chirico lost her fiancé Mark Trussler in the air show tragedy last August. She tells Closer how one year on she’s trying to focus on the happy times they shared

- By Miranda Knox

hen mum-of-four W Giovanna Chirico was told her fiancé Mark Trussler had been killed in the Shoreham air disaster last August, her world fell apart.

The 54-year-old window cleaner died along with 10 others when the Hawker Hunter jet – piloted by Andy Hill, 51, who miraculous­ly survived – lost control and smashed into a busy A-road during the air show.

Full-time mum Giovanna, 34 – who lives in Worthing, Sussex, with children Luke, 13, Mia, 11, Sophia, four, and Alicia, three – says: “I can’t put into words how much I miss Mark. He was the love of my life and my best friend. We should be celebratin­g 14 years together next month. I feel so angry he’s been taken from us. Mark’s smile could light up a room. I still visit his grave every day.”

Giovanna first met Mark through a friend in 2002. She says: “I was instantly attracted to Mark; he was funny and loving and we got engaged in 2011.

On the day of the crash, they had a day out planned. Giovanna says: “We were going for a pub lunch, but Mark wanted to take his motorbike out and catch a glimpse of the planes at the air show first. He told us he loved us all, and I watched as he drove off. The last thing he texted me was: ‘I love you forever.’” However, at 1.20pm, the vintage Hawker plane failed to pull out of a loop-the-loop stunt, crashing on to the road.

Giovanna says: “I heard about the accident on the radio, but didn’t think for one second Mark would be involved. I called him at 1.40pm to find out what had happened, but it went to answerphon­e, so I called a police helpline for people struggling to locate family members and gave details of his bike and what he was wearing. I began to panic later that afternoon. My mind started racing – it was so unlike him not to call. I stayed up all night, praying he’d lost track of time.”

At 2am police confirmed they’d found Mark’s bike, but it wasn’t until a week later that they were able to identify Mark’s body through dental records.

Giovanna says: “That week was hell, but until they’d found a body, I’d convinced myself there was hope. When the police told me Mark was dead, I broke down – it felt like a nightmare. But I knew I’d have to stay strong for the kids; they were devastated. I told the youngest two that Daddy had gone to sleep, and was now a window cleaner, cleaning the stars in the sky.”

Mark’s funeral was held in September and Giovanna says she’s tried to remain strong for the children. She says: “I kept breaking down in tears. It was hard, but I made myself get up every day for the kids.”

A year on, Giovanna is trying to look to the future, while the pilot is still being investigat­ed for manslaught­er with a full inquest into the deaths of the victims scheduled for March next year.

Giovanna adds: “I try to focus on the good memories, but it’s hard. I’m so angry, and while nothing can bring back Mark, I do want answers. A minute’s silence has been arranged for the anniversar­y, and we plan to release 11 doves for those who lost their lives. I’m relieved the air show has been cancelled this year, I don’t want any reminders of that horrendous day.”

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