Closer (UK)

steph: “Help me find a man who’ll date me”

As Stephanie Davis admits she’s ready to date again, insiders say she’s turning to close pal Jordan for advice on meeting men and finding love while pregnant

- By Nola Ojomu

There’s little Steph T Davis could do to shock – she’s already shared almost every detail of her bitter break-up with Jeremy Mcconnell, as well as pouring her heart out on social media as she battles with being single during her pregnancy.

But, last week, the 23-yearold actress – who is 18 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and insists Jeremy’s the father – dropped a bombshell, revealing she’d been asked out. She said: “I was worried no man would want to get involved with me now I’m going to be a single mum, but I’ve had quite a few ask me out on dates already!”


A source reveals: “Steph is feeling really vulnerable and lonely while pregnant – she’s moving house and preparing for the baby and never envisaged she’d have to go through all of this on her own. All she really wants is to feel that someone is there to take care of her and tell her she’s attractive and sexy.

“Steph gets recognised everywhere she goes and she has a lot of men getting in contact with her via social media.

“The men usually tell her they think it’s disgusting the way Jeremy treated her and they’d love to take her out and look after her. She’s had one older man inviting her for dinner and she’s also been sent flowers by admirers she’s known for a few years. She’s also had a few messages from footballer­s who have got in touch with her management.

“She’s loving all the attention and it’s giving her a much-needed boost. She’s now deciding what to do – she’s weighing up her offers and who she should meet with.”


Now Steph is opening up to the possibilit­y of dating and finding love again, pals say she’s turning to pal Jordan – real name Katie Price – for advice.

Steph revealed last week in an interview that Jordan, 38, is a “really good friend” and “knows what it’s like to have people scrutinise [her].”

Jordan found herself single and pregnant when footballer Dwight Yorke ended their relationsh­ip in 2002. But before giving birth to her first son, Harvey, who is now 14, she had a fling with Pop Idol star Gareth Gates, who was 17 at the time.

Speaking about the romance, Jordan previously admitted: “I was still young, I was pregnant, I didn’t have the dad about and I still wanted to be loved.”

A source reveals: “Katie and Steph are incredibly close now – she’s like a big sister to her. Katie has been scrutinise­d in the public as a single woman and knows what it’s like to be pregnant and single. She’s told Steph to make sure she thinks only of herself and her future – and that includes choosing the right man.”


The source adds: “Steph has asked Katie to help her find a man while she’s pregnant and Katie has told her to only date rich and high-profile people who can support her. Top of the list are footballer­s. Steph is hanging on to Katie’s every word – she’s totally in awe of her and is doing everything she says because she really values her advice.”

Steph and Jeremy’s fiery fourmonth romance – which began in the CBB house in January – ended amid multiple claims he had been unfaithful, before he went on to publicly accuse Steph of faking her shock pregnancy. Steph recently revealed communicat­ion had hit an all-time low with her mum having to act as mediator between them and now claims Jeremy has blocked her mum’s number, adding she’s “sad” about the current state of things.

A pal adds: “Steph would love to be parading around with a footballer or celeb – partly to annoy Jeremy. She’s still upset and shocked over everything.”

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