Closer (UK)

‘I’m as confident as my size 6 friend’


Betsy Green and B Charlotte Taylor are best friends, but couldn’t be more different when it comes to body shape.

Fitness writer Betsy, 27, has always been a slim size 6-8, while lab technician Charlotte, 28, is currently a size 22.


However, both women reveal their different sizes have never been an issue. Charlotte says: “I couldn’t believe the backlash Georgia and Kate received over their different body shapes. People are far too focused on weight and will find any reason to be judgementa­l. As long as they’re happy, that’s the most important thing.”

Betsy and Charlotte have been friends since they were 16, after meeting at sixth form in their home town of Bridlingto­n, but admit they had different approaches to diet and fitness.

Charlotte, who’s 5ft 8, says: “Betsy’s always been in to the gym and goes six times a week as well as doing bodybuildi­ng comps, while I admit I like takeaways and struggle to workout as often as I’d like.”

However, Charlotte is now keen to get in shape for her upcoming wedding and Betsy – who is in a relationsh­ip – is helping her achieve her goals.

Charlotte says: “I don’t want to lose weight for aesthetic reasons, I’m happy with the way I look. I just want to be healthier.

“Betsy has been helping me work out at the gym and I’m starting to feel a lot fitter.”


While Charlotte wants to tone up, she says her weight has never affected her confidence.

She adds: “I’ve always been big, but I’m very outgoing and bubbly. I’m as confident as Betsy – if not more so – and I’ve always received the most male attention.”

And the friends say the difference in their size has never impacted on their relationsh­ip.

Betsy, who’s 5ft 5, says: “Charlotte is so supportive and even comes with me to put on fake tan when I have a bodybuildi­ng event. I work really hard to stay in shape and sometimes I envy Charlotte’s relaxed, confident attitude, but we complement each other really well. We’re both completely different, but that’s what makes our friendship so special. As long as we’re both healthy, then I don’t think weight matters.”

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