Closer (UK)

Josie: “Getting jiggy in the bedroom is keeping me in shape!”

Loved-up reality star Josie Gibson tells Closer about her surprise baby U-turn and how her saucy bedroom antics are getting her bikini-ready


he’s been unlucky in love S in the past and was left devastated in 2015, when she split from her fiancé Luke Sanwo after four years together. But Josie Gibson tells Closer she’s well and truly over her ex and is head over heels for her new man Sam. Josie met the engineer in her local gym and says that despite dating for just a few weeks, they’ve already discussed marriage and kids.

The former Big Brother star, who previously said she didn’t want to ruin her body through pregnancy after famously shedding 6st in 2012, says: “Me and Sam were eyeing each other up in the gym for a while before going out. He’s so fit and muscular. He’s met my family and friends and we’re going on holiday together this summer. He’s such a good guy and just a really normal and down-to-earth person. We’ve discussed getting married and having children already. I’m 32 now and I want my first baby by 35. It’s not long to wait but I think I’ve found the perfect partner to settle down with.”


Following Josie’s monumental transforma­tion – which saw her drop from a size 20 to a size 8 in 2012 after unflatteri­ng holiday photos were published – she had a tummy tuck last year to remove 6lbs of excess skin, and admits it’s made her confidence soar.

And the 5ft 11 star tells Closer with a cheeky giggle that new man Sam has been helping her work up a sweat in the bedroom as much as the gym.

Josie – who’s now a qualified personal trainer and nutritiona­l advisor – laughs: “He’s amazing and I love that he’s into fitness because it keeps me focused. We go to the gym together. We’ve also been getting jiggy in the bedroom – too jiggy I might add! We know how to work up a sweat, and it’s getting me in shape. I definitely agree that women reach their sexual prime in their 30s – the dirty 30s is what I call it!

“I’m way more confident about myself now. Sam makes me feel amazing about my body and I fancy him loads. I’ve definitely upgraded since my last bloke.”

Following Josie’s split from her former fiancé, plumber Luke, she revealed to Closer in January that the pair had remained close friends. Ahead of her time in Austria for reality show The Jump in February, she even said how much she’d love Luke to visit, admitting: “He’s a really good bloke.”


But Josie reveals to Closer that her former love is no longer in her life, and explains: “Luke and I stayed so close after the split and I really loved him. He was my best friend. He came to visit me when I was in Austria for The Jump and was telling me he wanted me back and wanted to move in – but he’s not in my life any more. He keeps trying to get back in contact, but I’ve moved on and Sam is way better for me.

“If I could tell my younger self anything

‘Sam’s definitely an upgrade – I fancy him loads!’

about dating it would be that once a man has wronged you, just move on. Don’t hang around because the trust will be gone.”

Speaking to Closer about her diet for The Jump, Josie revealed she was eating carb-rich food up to eight times a day to keep up her energy. But with summer fast approachin­g, the reality star – who is fronting new dating show Getting Jiggy With Josie – is back to a healthy-eating plan.


She says: “I put on a stone in Austria, because I was eating loads of pizza and drinking loads of beer. It was fun but I couldn’t wait to get home and eat healthy food. I’ve already lost a stone in a month and I’m feeling so confident about summer. I’m now a size 10-12 and that’s a really comfortabl­e size for me. I can’t wait to get into my bikini and show off my fit body on the beach!”

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Josie went on a weight-loss mission after seeing this holiday pic in 2012 She’s no longer in contact with former fiancé Luke
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Jump Josie says she put on a stone during The

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